Docker Machine (DM) Commands. (All at

    1. Commands (DM = docker-machine)
        1. User runs commands below from outside the Linux VM (ie, OsX terminal)
          1. Host machine (Unix in OsX case) w/docker installed, can create a docker-machine which creates the Docker_Host, Docker Server/Engine/Daemon & configures a Docker-Client
        2. Create a docker-machine

$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev

--driver (or just -d)

provider machine is created on: digitalocean, aws, virtualbox (local)

dev name of machine


$ docker-machine create -d digitalocean consul

name is “consul”

$ docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token <xxxxx> docker-app-machine

name is docker-app-machine

        1. $ docker-machine → list all commands
        2. $ docker-machine ls → list all DMs
        3. $ docker-machine active → list active DM
        4. $ docker version → displays versions of client and servers
        5. $ docker-machine start [machine name]
        6. $ docker-machine stop [machine name]
        7. $ docker-machine env [machine name] → connect term & virt box
        8. $ docker-machine ip [machine name] → ip address of machine
        9. $ docker-machine status [machine name] → show virt box stat
        10. $ docker-machine ssh consul ifconfig
          1. Above runs command ifconfig from within the docker-machine named “consul”

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