How to run a container

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    1. $ docker run repository/(imageName):tag any-command-to-run-when-spun-up
      1. Creates the container, spins it up and runs it
      2. :1.24 → how you specify a version of the image
      3. Example: $ docker run busybox:1.24 echo “hello world”
      4. Example2: $ docker run busybox:1.24 ls /dev (list files in /dev)
      5. Above command puts you inside containers console.
        1. To free up console, run -d flag (“detached” mode)

Flags - Runs container w/specified parameters

    1. Interactive
      1. -i → interactive
      2. -t → creates psuedo TTY with stdin & stdout
          1. TTY = TeleType Writer (originally for deaf people) tele comes from a Greek root meaning far or distant. TTY's provide a virtual interface similar to what the physical machines provided. This is the origin of the 80 char width and carriage return
        • Example: $ docker run -t -i busybox:1.24
          1. Gives you terminal inside the container. Prompt looks like / #
          2. Exit terminal in container

/ # exit → exits terminal & SHUT DOWN CONTAINER

    1. Detached
      1. -d → detached mode. Frees up console
    2. Interactive mode
      1. $ docker exec -it <cont_id> command
        1. exec lets you run a command inside a running container
          1. -it → enter container in interactive mode
          2. bash → command (enter bash mode)
        2. To enter detached container once running …
        3. Example → $ docker exec -it 175cfac1b48a bash
        4. See Running programs → $ ps axu (just a shell command)
        5. Exit interactive mode (& return to daemon mode) → ctrl-p & ctrl-q

“Hitting” IP address of a container

      1. We linked external port to the DM’s internal port when we created the container
      2. docker run -p 8080:3000 imageName - (machine port:container port)

(DM external port:DM internal port)

        1. $ docker-machine ls to get ip of docker_host environment
        2. $ docker ps to get ip of specific container
          1. dockerapp_1 | * Running on

This is the ip WITHIN container. Need to get to where container is running (which is the ip of docker_host)

          1. Therefore ip of running container is:

Docker_host_ip:external port exposed by container

Examples of finding docker_host IP:container_external_port

        1. Node example → $ docker run -p 8080:3000 node
          1. Remember, whale icon: “docker is configured to use the default machine with IP”. This is host ip
          2. Port can be ‘hit’ outside linux VM at this ip + port #
          3. Can hit port within Linux VM at http://localhost:3000
          4. To hit port from outside the Linux VM, we set external port to 8080 so container will export on Linux VM’s ip address on port 8080
        2. Tomcat example → $ docker run -p 8888:8080 tomcat:8.0
          1. http://host-ip:8888

$ docker-machine ls → Lists DMs & host-ip

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