Docker Images

Bootfs - Linux VM Single Container 2 Containers

(Docker-Machine) (Container merely a r/w layer on image) (1 Server in DM/Linux/Kernel)

    1. Images are read-only templates that are used to create containers
      1. Created with $ docker build command
      2. Composed of “layers” of other images
      3. Can see these layers $ docker history <image-name>
    2. Stored in a Docker registry
      1. Registry is where we store our images (ie,, Github)
      2. Repository - same image but different versions & tags
        1. Repository is just like a github repository
        2. versions / tags - like git commits and their associated messages
      1. Registry for Docker images
      2. Note the “Official” images
        1. Reviewed by Docker Team. Created for general use cases
        2. Updated with Security patches as they become known
        3. Good place to start is with “Official” Docker images

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